I have heard a saying about motherhood "The days are long, but the years are short." I am understanding more and more what that means. My days with Eli are precious, but some of them are very long! However, my baby is now running around and carrying on conversations with us! It's hard to believe that he is only 2 sometimes. We spend many hours each week at parks, we are fortunate to live in a town that has several great ones to choose from! He picks up every stick he can find and says "I got cane like Papa's!" Eli loves watching sports with us, particularly the "Go, go Cowboys!" "Go, go Mabericks," and the "Go, go Pokes!" Daddy taught him to throw the Horns up recently as well! He will watch the Mavs and say "Go, go Cowboys!!" until Daddy finally says "Go, go Cowboys" and then Eli says, "No Daddy, they the Mabericks!!" He also LOVES going to his babysitter's house. He often asks on the weekend to go to Mrs. Anita's house!! I am SO glad he has a place where he is SO loved (and spoiled rotten) and that he loves to go while I am at work! These are some things that have happened recently that I want to remember:
*Walking my 90 pound lab and VERY active 2-year-old Saturday morning...Eli saw a cat he wanted to pet...needless to say the cat was NOT into this idea! I said "that kitty isn't going to play, it doesn't know you." So, Eli shouts, "KITTY, I WILSON ELIAS FEGANS!!!!" Even after the formal intro the cat didn't come running over =)
*Last night at 9:30, after intently reading the Toys R Us Christmas catalog for 10 minutes, Eli jumps up and says "I ready go Target!!!" Apparently he has his list ready =)
*My sweet baby boy says "Thank you for yummy dinner Mommy" completely unprompted!! Melts my heart =)
*Heard Eli at 1:45 this morning...found him raiding the kitchen for chocolate chip muffins!!! It is so sad that boy never gets fed =)
*6:30 this morning...standing in my bedroom door with his blankie wrapped around his shoulders...Eli says "Pancakes!!" I said "right now?" and he says "YES!!" =)
*My birthday is this week, "Eli keeps asking when you party Mom?" I kept assuring him that I won't let him miss it!
*We left Target after dark the other night and the Pharmacy and Grocery words were lit up. He said "Look it says Wilson Elias!!"
*Favorite phrase of the moment..."I don't wwwwwwwant to!!!"
Yes...the days are LONG, but the memories are precious!!